At PHD Marketing, we work with a range of clients in business-to-business marketing & communications in the UK and internationally. We take pride in what we do and have great client retention rates because we know what it takes to make an outsource partnering model work. But why should you consider it?
- Boost your marketing effectiveness
With the best will in the world, very few in-house marketing teams have all the skills and tools required to deliver contemporary content marketing today. Marketing – and the associated systems and technology – is fast moving and by bringing in external expertise you quickly stay on top of the latest innovation and thinking. Whether it’s leveraging the impact of your messages digitally, delivering thought leadership in features and editorials, or delivering effective online and physical events, partners like PHD Marketing have the skills to boost your strategy quickly and effectively.
- Secure the expertise you need without heavy investment
Due to the wide range of skills required in content marketing, you are either going to be paying for a very expensive multi skilled team with all the technology bells and whistles, or you are going to lack core skills in the function. Ultimately this will cost you either on your bottom line or by creating gaps in knowledge, strategy and success. By working with PHD Marketing, you can tap into a broad range of skills and competencies – from article writing to flyers to digital marketing – without huge outlay.
At PHD Marketing, we specialise in Manufacturing, Distribution and Technology sectors predominantly supplying the food, healthcare, biosciences and personal care sectors. This means we have developed extensive knowledge and capability in those markets, rather than trying to be a generalist with limited value for our clients.
- Get focus, fresh eyes and fresh thinking!
All too often we work with inhouse marketing employees who have been hired to ‘support sales’ for the business but are stretched too thin handling lots of internal conversations and sales administration activities. What is really needed is the ability to take a bird’s eye view of what needs to be achieved to support business growth and drive a fresh marketing strategy with focussed proactive plans.
By bringing in an outsource partner to work with a lower cost junior marketing manager or marketing assistant in house, this individual can simply coordinate and deliver activities internally, rather than attempt strategy. You secure a fresh set of eyes on the business that does not react to politics, ‘it’s always been done this way’ or ‘not invented here’ constraints. Put simply, it brings ideas, expertise and experience without the cost.
- Boost flexibility while reducing cost
Investment in marketing resources can be considerable. Utilising an external agency, you can flex your spend as you need it – apply it to a retainer, projects or one-off needs – fix your budget and know what you will achieve. External outsourcing offers control, consistency and expertise and generally at a lower cost than the fixed overhead of a fully staffed marketing department.
- Lose your headcount challenges
We all know that while it’s fantastic to grow a business, growing the number of employees can also bring a range of overhead and management headaches to a business, particularly when times get tough. Working with a partner like PHD Marketing, our services can move up and down depending on your business situation and our relationship is reliant on our performance. If we don’t deliver your ROI, then you’ve no P45 to deliver!
But there must be downsides, right?
Clearly a marketing partner has to ‘bed in’. We need to work out who’s who and what you need to do. But, with our commitment to only work in sectors that we intimately understand, we hit the ground running quickly for you.
When we start out clients often worry that they’ve not got someone ‘on hand’ ‘just in case’ or ‘in the team’. Be assured, PHD’ers are available (24/7 in times of need) on phones, email, Microsoft Teams or face to face, working with your teams to ensure things go smoothly.
Sound interesting? Give us a call (+44 1977 708643) or email [email protected] and we’d be delighted to talk to you about the benefits of working with us!